Sunday, April 7, 2013

Gasp! Shakespeare was Wrong

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.” 
                                                           ~Shakespear's Romeo and Juliet Act 2, Scene 2

Names do carry a lot of meaning. If you're a parent, think of the countless hours and dozens of books you went through to find the perfect name for your child.

When I first thought of writing Lash, I had the plot and character's in my head, but no names. I thought long and hard about the characters as well as how the names would represent who they are.

Without giving any spoilers, here is a list of some of the main characters and how their names fit in their role in Lash.

Lash (Lahash)
In my research of fallen angels, Lahash is known as the fallen angel who interferes with divine will. This was perfect for my story, and it plays a key role, so I decided to go with this name. I shortened the name to modernize it.

Jeremy (Jeremiel)  
Jeremiel is the archangel in charge of souls on their way to heaven. He supervises a person's transition of crossing over from Earth to one of the different levels of Heaven. His name means "mercy of God" or "whom God sets up."

Archangel Raphael is a merciful healer, sent by God to comfort the sick and the sorrowing. As you will see in the story, Raphael definitely lives up to his name.

Gabrielle (Gabriel)
Archangel Gabriel is known as the angel of justice, fairness, and harmony. In my research of the Archangels, I came across some readings that speculated that Gabriel is the feminine spirit who provides a balance to Archangel Michael's more masculine spirit. I thought this was pretty cool, so I made the character a female.

When you read Lash, you'll probably think, "What? Harmony? LOL!" Well, there is a reason for why Gabrielle is not her typical harmonious self. The reason will be revealed in Books 2 and 3.

Rachel (Raquel)
Raquel is an archangel who guides people to act in fair and just ways. The name means "Friend of God." As I read more about Archangel Raquel, I just pictured the angel as feminine. So, Rachel was born. Rachel plays a minor role in Book 1, but she and her partner, Uri (Uriel) have a bigger role in Book 2.

Dr. Ryan Dantan, Sal, Naomi, and Deborah's names are also significant. I don't want to give out any spoilers, so I'll post the significance of their names at a later time.

Archangels and Ascended Masters By Doreen Virtue
A Dictionary of Angels, including the Fallen Angels by Gustav Davidson

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